Monday, April 16, 2012

Missing My Friend Logan!

Logan, Utah is where I spent 8 years of my life. It became much more than just a place I lived for awhile. It was a dear friend of mine and I really miss it sometime. There are so many reasons I miss Logan. Here are a few:

 These kiddos, and this swing, 
 Such amazing friends for me and Mac
 These weird friends:)
 Fall leaves (I haven't missed them yet, but I know I will come October)
 Great friends
 Bruiser, the sunshine, and this backyard (I still tear up when I think of missing Sunday Dinner)
 THE MOUNTAINS. This has been one of the hardest changes! As I was scrolling through these pictures Mac said, "Mountain". We will have to visit them often to make sure he still knows what they are in a few years.
 A beautiful Temple so close
 A perfect little house at 59 N
 Tanta. One of my dearest friends!!!!
 These FUN kiddos
The 200 step walk to the Hales.

These were a few pictures I had on hand to post but I sure do love Logan and have so many more people I miss than just the few pictures I posted. Don't get me wrong, I have really enjoyed Texas so far and don't want to move back to Logan, I am just missing it a little. Thank you Logan for an amazing college experience, wonderful people, great weather, and beautiful scenery. You were so good to me. 


  1. Sorry Logan, we get a turn now! I am SO glad ya'll moved here! You are such am amazing friend to me, my family and well, everybody in the ward! We love you and your family tons. Sorry we don't have mountains but we have...really nice winters:) It is hard to move and leave so many friends, places and memories behind. Thanks for being brave enough to make the move though. You have been a blessing to so many people here in Texas!

  2. Logan misses you too! (Even though we don't live there anymore, I'm sure it does) I was surprised at how I missed Logan when we moved. It's sure nice to have those memories though. I'm just glad to know we have someone to visit in Texas!! I hope you're feeling well!

  3. I got teary looking at those pictures and I don't even know half of the people in them. Logan will always be a special place for us also. Hence, one of the reasons we gave Bryce "Logan" as his middle name.

  4. oh, kari! we (and logan) miss you too! i can't wait for that little baby to get here!
