Thursday, June 21, 2012

So its been awhile and I'm really not sure how to catch up. I'm sure there is so much stuff I want to remember that won't get posted to this blog. But I decided to go through the recent pics I have and post about those. However, there really aren't that many because I lost my camera charger before the move, found it in the move, and then lost it again. Let's hope I find it before Damon arrives. Speaking of Damon, I am due tomorrow but scheduled to be induced next week. I am pretty sure it will be the later. Now, onto the pics.

Dev and Mac are quite the best friends right now. I get some serious tears when I try to put him to bed or do anything with him when his dad is home. Good thing I get some serious quality time in the day or I might get my feelings hurt. It also might be nice that he is so attached to his dad when the new baby comes who needs a lot of attention from me. This pic is their "trying hard" face. 

There is a fun little train in FW we have taken a few times. It is surprisingly a long ride and Mac loves it. This particular time we went with our friends Brett and Tiara who just happened to be our neighbors in Logan a few months ago and live here now. How lucky are we to have such great people follow us!

Mac and me. Love Love Love this boy. He makes me laugh everyday. I cannot believe how smart he is. I love watching his little brain work. He is such a good boy and is keeping his good manners. Let's hope that continues. 

Mac had a birthday! The big 2! This is when the camera died so these are the last shots I have. He had a great birthday! People were so kind to him. He had several presents from out-of-staters and the neighs. We sure had some good neighbors on Mission st! cap guns and a little cowboy hat. He was adorable. 

We went to dinner at an old mission companions house in Dallas and the missionaries were coming over. To our surprise it was JER!!! Dev worked with him in VA one summer and it was SO fun to see him. Totally crazy but made our days!
My good friend Candace and I have a "baby and moving bucket list". There are so many things we want to do before I have this baby and before she moves. We are doing pretty well! Fossil Rim (basically a drive thru zoo) was something on that list. This place blew my mind!!! There are SO many animals and most of them just come right up to your window and make themselves at home in your car. I was SO proud of Mac for feeding the giraffe since he was pretty scared at first. There were so many animals! We sure had fun!

Cool pic of one of the several giraffes

There is also a petting zoo there. this is one of the animals we petted. Good times!!

And last but not least, we bought and moved into this home. Everything went really smooth and it is SO nice to be in it. The moving in wasn't all that bad and luckily didn't put me into labor. Mac loves the "new house" and so do we all!! More pictures will hopefully someday follow. I still can't believe we bought a house. Good things we're not grown-ups yet;)
793 La Sierra Court Crowley TX 76036 Home for sale - MLS #11734805

Life is good!!

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