Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I'm a Big Boy Now

Let's just say that potty training is great birth control for me. It makes me not want to anymore kids and I already dread doing it with Damon. And I've only been at for 3 days! A potty training wimp, I guess. But I refuse to put him back in diapers so I will just put on the enthusiastic I love potty training more that anything in the world face for Mac and vent to you all about how I don't like it.

But in all reality he is actually doing really well and I am so proud of him. He has had several accidents a few melt downs but has also had several victories. Tonight being the best of all. Here's how it went down. I went upstairs to get his pajamas and a pull-up even though it was a lot earlier than I normally get him ready for bed. I was just done with underwear and couldn't wait to get him in that pull-up! When I came back downstairs I couldn't find him. I looked everywhere and finally found him, guess where?! On the toilet. He had taken off his undies, climbed up there and as soon as I walked in he went pee.

HOOOOORRRRRAAAAHHHHH!!!!  I think he was so bugged with me constantly asking him if he needed to go to the bathroom and was happy to do it on his own. Plus, he is very observant and models EVERYTHING we do (like most kids but I feel like he is a little extreme). I think because we don't tell him we need to go, and we just take ourselves that he wants to do the same thing.

What a kid! Sure love that boy and am so proud of him! GO MAC!! Here's to hopefully a bright future of using the potty.

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