Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What Did I get?!

I love my family and all my sisters. I feel like we have a very special bond and are very similar in some ways. We are also very different and have different strengths. I was thinking today about those differences and wanted to write them down:

My sister Mindy is the strong one. I remember when we had a family death and just after my parents called to tell me I wanted to call Mindy. I knew that just hearing her voice would make me feel better and make me toughen up when I was so far away and couldn't be by family. And since she has started he blog, I realize she is also the funny one. She must have gotten all of my funny genes because she is extra funny and I am far from it. I admire her for both of these qualities.

** I couldn't steal a pic of her from FB or her blog so I stole one of her skills! Go Min. This looks awesome!

Demaree is the creative one. She is the only one that has any artistic ability (besides Karina. But that consists of paper and water most of the time). She is great at drawing! She also is able to sew like crazy. I'm talking make her own patterns, make car seat covers, crazy. She has made some really cute things. She is also great at knowing when to be sensitive and when to talk sense. What a great quality. There have been many times that I have turned to her because I knew that I would get an honest opinion. If I deserved sympathy she would give it but if I was being ridiculous she would tell me I was and I would accept that.

Karina is in a league of her own. I admire her for so many things. I can't image how frustrating it would be to have so many things hold her back when at certain times her mind is so sharp and I'm sure she knows what she wants and what she could be doing. She is also funny. I love how care free and happy she is at certain times. She has a child likeness about her and I love it. I remember when my niece passed away Karina just accepted it and said. "Hailey is in Heaven". And that was that. She knew where she was and wasn't sad. I have wondered so many times if she really knew what was happening and how sad it was but I am sure she did. She knew that we would see her again and she was in Heaven and wondered why we all had "colds" that made our eyes water a lot. 

I love my sisters and am so grateful for all their unique qualities. Sure love them! I would tell you all about my parents and their unique qualities but that is for another post, another day. But I sure love them too and think they are amazing. 

1 comment:

  1. You forgot to write about yourself! I will get you started:

    I admire your self confidence. You know who you are. Everyone that meets you wants to be your friend because you are happy and fun and make life feel a whole lot better. You never shy away from any challenge. You are an amazing cook. I could go on all day. All this sister talk is making me sad.
